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Little Trouble Girls

If one was to describe exactly the plot of Little Trouble Girls , it would be deprived of its significance, its sense of mystery dearly. Essentially, it is a coming of age, centered on Lucia, a teenager who during a parish choir's retreat in an italian monastery has an awakening. Opening on a fresco from a church with an abstract motif, that however resembles the shape of a human part, this shot sums up well the dual nature of the experiences of the protagonist. What Little Trouble Girls describes is clearly a sexual awakening, in which Lucia explores intimacy, her own bodily desires, her attractions. Yet, as the name of the lead girls of the film suggest, Lucia and Ana-Maria, both with a sort of symbolic religious connotation, there is a side of the storyline deeply linked to catholicism, a sort of spiritual experience undertaken by the protagonist. This duality becomes one flesh, one religious-sexual awakening both outrageous and pious, both elevated and carnal.  This unconformi...

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